Hello, I am Ve.
On this site I would like to introduce me and my work methods a little bit.
I am 21 years old and live in a city called Graz in Austria. I am studying biology at the University and I spend as much time as I can crafting my little figurines.
Even as a small child I knew that I wanted to be an artist, but I had no idea how to become one. I always thought of artists as painters and I was never good at painting. Everyone who knows me describes me as creative, so I went on the search for a “creative” Job and besides many different Designer jobs I found nothing that I was happy with. About six years ago I discovered Polymer clay artists on Instagram and knew instantly that this is what I want to do. Today I get to work with my two biggest passions: Art and Animals.
As a biology student I have a special connection with nature and especially the animal kingdom. I love to constantly learn something new about different, interesting animal species and that way I always get inspiration for new sculptures.
My intention is to fascinate people with my art pieces and to give them a small glance into the incredible variety of animals on this planet. For me, it`s my biggest achievement to send my creations all over the world and make people happy.

My work methods
I mostly work with Fimo polymer clay and paint my creations with acrylic paint and chalk paint. Depending on the look I want for my piece I am varnishing it with gloss varnish, silk mat varnish or don`t varnish it at all.
I also love working with other materials, such as glass bottles, glass balls, sea shells, gem stones and even pine cones, that way I have even more opportunities to be creative with my art.
One tip I would have liked to know when I started out: you can pre-bake polymer clay as often as you would like and just continue working on it. Pre-baking things gives them more stability und you don`t squish your previous work when touching it.